Gezondheidsklachten van A-ZA Abdominal flu Abdominal pain Abdominal pain in children Appendicitis B Back hernia Balanitis Bladder infection Blow to the eye Blow to, or fall on, the head Burn Bursitis C Chest pain Chickenpox Concussion Coronavirus Coughing D Dehydration Diarrhoea Dizziness Dry eyes E Ear canal infection Eye infection F Fever Fever in children Fifth disease Flu H Haemorrhoids Hay fever Hives I Impetigo Insect bite Itch L Lower back pain M Meningitis Middle ear infection (child) Migraine My baby has a fever N Nappy rash Neck hernia Neck pain Nosebleed P Palpitations Pneumonia Pressure blister Pyelonephritis S Sepsis Shingles Shortness of breath Sore throat Splinter Stomach ulcer T Thrush Tick bite U Unwell child V Vomiting W Water warts Whitlow Worms